Friday, December 4, 2009

Gall Bladder Problems More Condition_treatment Is It Common For A Young Woman At 25 To Have Gall Bladder Problems?

Is it common for a young woman at 25 to have gall bladder problems? - gall bladder problems more condition_treatment

In the last 2-3 weeks I had nausea without vomiting or diarrhea, and also not have a fever. I saw the doctor yesterday and she thinks it could be my gallbladder. I will have an ultrasound tomorrow. I am very nervous. Has anyone experienced or seen many young women?


Leona W said...

I have made until I was 42, but
much of it depends on the diet (such as their entire
Food of Life), and inheritance.
It is a bad experience is not, Tho.
My doctor told me, until we learn
to ensure that you stay away from animal fats and
spicy foods, whenever possible.
It has helped me.

delilah2... said...

Go see a doctor .. I have, in this class when I was 7 .. not a good feeling ... but it is a serious matter. go to the doctor and the control / treatment before it even worse ..

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